
Hoholun beats Madness in "Battle Winter" (2011 年的首場勝仗)

一月八日港摔於西灣河「浦吧」舉辦的「熱血寒冬」摔角大會,何顥麟於單打賽事中,花了 13 分 32 秒,便以一記德式原爆固壓制曼尼斯三秒,贏得二零一一年的首場勝利。是次大會除了原有港摔選手參加外,更邀得日本選手神崎和也、英國 GPW 選手 Voodoo 以及中國選手 THE SLAM 參戰。何顥麟於賽後宣佈,三月份將會挑戰台灣摔角界第一榮譽,IWL 的 Ultimate Wrestling Championship。介時,現任王者「閃耀」NATAKU 將會來港接受腰帶防衛賽。

Hoholun's first appearence in 2011 finished with a happy ending. In HKWF's "Battle Winter" event that was held in Hangout Arena at Sai Wan Ho on the 8th of January, he pinned Madness with a German Suplex hold after 13 minutes 32 seconds of exciting actions. Not only wrestlers from Hong Kong, "A-kuo" Kazuya from Japan, Voodoo from England and The Slam from China had also participated in the event. Hoholun then announced after his match that he will challenge the IWL Ultimate Wrestling Championship Title, one of the most honorable wrestling championships in Taiwan, in March. Current champion Nataku will come to Hong Kong to defense his title.

Championship Match Fixed with IWL (挑戰 IWL 冠軍賽確定)

何顥麟將於四月份港摔主辦的「颱風」摔角大會中,迎戰現任IWL無差別級冠軍 (Ultimate Wrestling Championship) 王者閃耀。該腰帶是台灣摔角界中一個重要的象徵,對於成立十年的IWL有著非常深厚的意義。何顥麟說:「首先多謝IWL願意到港作腰帶防衛戰,但是我並不會手軟,因為我很希望贏得腰帶,把香港摔角選手的名字,登上台灣摔角歷史的名鑑上!」

比賽將於4月10日於西灣河聖十字徑「浦吧」會場進行,門票為$100/$120。摔迷可到 http://www.hkwrestling.com/2011/ 網站購票。

Hoholun will challenge the IWL's Ultimate Wrestling Championship in HKWF's April event, "TYPHOON"! The UWC title is one of the most significant icon for the Taiwan wrestling scene. For the 10-year-old IWL, it means a lot.

"Thank you IWL champion, Nataku, for brining this title belt to Hong Kong. However, I will not let him go into an easy match, because I want to win the belt. And then put Hong Kong Wrestling's name onto the history of Taiwan wrestling," Hoholun says.

The event will take place on 10th April at "Hang Out", Sai Wan Ho. Tickets are available on http://www.hkwrestling.com/2011/ . Tickets are $100 / $120.

Hoholun as a wrestler

Hoholun is one of the most popular wrestlers and an experienced wrestling event producer from Hong Kong. With a background of Judo, Hoholun started wrestling when he was 17, trained by CWE founder, Slam, who had been trained with WWA Korea for a long period of time. After 2 years travelling back and forth between Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China, Hoholun founded the Hong Kong Pro Wrestling Association (HKPWA) and successfully gathered a group of potential wrestlers.

In August 2008, Hoholun led the HKPWA elevating to a professional level, and they renamed as Hong Kong Wrestling Federation (HKWF). Following a series of tough trainings in a professional setting, he and his fellows made their pro-wrestling debut in June 2009 at "King of Wrestling" event. Since then, Hoholun has been producing monthly event for HKWF and participated in all of them.

Hoholun had been on exchange in the United Kingdom in 4FW for a short period during June 2010. In August 2010, he had wrestled overseas for the very first time, being booked by TWT in Taipei. In Janurary 2011, he wrestled in the first ever international wrestling festival "Battle Winter" in Hong Kong against Madness. In April 2011, Hoholun got a title shot for the IWL's Ultimate Wrestling Championship from Taiwan against NATAKU. In May 2011, he main event'd "Moonlit Journey" and got a victory over Voodoo, a British veteran from GPW. 

Hoho took off to England in July 2011 for a longer excursion. He will wrestle for 4FW, one of the most popular wrestling promotions in the country starting from September.

Hoholun as a promotor

Hoholun is also an experienced wrestling event promoter in Hong Kong. Since 2006, he has initiated numbers of events and created great crowds. He has also been interviewed by many of the local media, including TVB, Apple Daily, The Sun, Oriental Daily, South China Morning Post, Next Magazine, Hong Kong Magazine and so on.